Any pups yet ?

Projecting future litters of pups can be tricky. A female can have 3 litters in two years. When deposit are given on a future litter, you are giving a deposit on a litter for a female that has not been bred yet. Unfortunately, females don’t always stay on the projected schedule. Projected schedules are based on the last time a female was in her heat cycle. The female could go into her heat cycle one or two months early or one or two months late. They have absolutely no consideration for the fine people who have submitted a deposit and are waiting patiently for a puppy from her litter ! This can be frustrating for the breeder and the client. Nothing can be done to promote the breeding to take place. Dogs only breed during the female heat cycle.

This is a good place to cut out and the heat cycle will be explained in the next article. God Bless !

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